Bridge Program
The Bridge Program is designed to provide incoming freshmen with tools and resources to jumpstart their first year in high school. Incoming freshmen have to deal with many new challenges on and off the court. The Bridge Program introduces students to relevant topics that teach them practices and habits they can use during their high school years.
Students are introduced to different activities that cover goal setting and time management, provided with opportunities to foster meaningful academic and social connections, and encouraged to take ownership of their academic journey. Students have access to a comprehensive suite of academic support, advising, and peer counseling to ensure successful transition to high school. Students who enter the Bridge Program are tracked throughout high school to ensure that that they are staying on track.
4 Pillars of Success
Bridge Program participants gain and develop leadership skills throughout their experience in the program. Programs designed specifically for each of their four years will ensure that students leave high school with a strong sense of self and leadership potential as they continue on to the next level of their education.
Positive Impact New York and the Bridge Program as a whole are dedicated to providing exceptional services for all participants. Through a variety of programs and opportunities, Bridge Program students gain the skills and confidence needed to excel in the classroom and beyond, with the ultimate goal of graduating high school and matriculating to college.
The Bridge Program assists students who want to participate in sports in achieving athletic success. Various topics will be discussed to provide students with a definition of athletic success that is motivating, controllable and will encourage our students to enjoy their athletic experience and inspire them to strive towards their goals with commitment, confidence and courage.
The Bridge Program does not end after high school graduation. Positive Impact New York works to ensure that our students have an open line of communication as they go though their journey and are prepared for college graduation. This includes any advice dealing with the academic and athletic experience.
Through the Years
Students enter the Bridge Program while still in middle school. We believe that this is the most important year in the scholastic process. All 8th grade students are required to participate in the PINY Bridge Symposium that utilizes workshops, guest speakers, self-reflection and small group discussion to assist in helping the students effectively lead themselves during their transition year into high school.
The Bridge Program assists in helping first year students effectively lead themselves during this transition year in high school. The Learning to Lead element of this program focuses on:
Effective Transition Skills
Role Acceptance
Being a Good Teammate
Initial Leadership Development
Freshmen continue to participate in the PINY Bridge Symposium and continue building their skills towards high school graduation and a possible athletic scholarship if they play a sport.
During their sophomore year, the Bridge Program looks to help sophomores begin to explore and understand their roles as future leaders through activities that challenge them individually and in groups. Sophomores continue to participate in the PINY Bridge Symposium and continue building their skills towards high school graduation and a possible athletic scholarship if they play a sport.
During the junior year, the Bridge Program centers on preparing juniors to take on future leadership roles. Topics include:
Core Values
Leadership Self-Evaluation
Being an Effective Leader
Developing a Leadership Plan
Role of the Leader
Team Relations.
We also review transcripts and begin the college application process.